The ‘5 Ps’ You Should Always Remember
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance.
If you prepare yourself in a proper manner you will be able to achieve the results you always imagined. Set real expectations and draw yourself the roadmap to the destination of your choice!
This knowledge has been passed down to me by my mentor and it was suggested that I too now pass it on to you all. Enjoy the light read— CryptoBokiWop
I noticed some people who are new to trading cryptocurrency have expectations for profits that do not match their level of knowledge. This in time will lead to a toxic situation. I have learned a lot on the fly, and dealt with the consequences of not being properly prepared. Sometimes I look in the mirror and realize that the only person who is stopping me from achieving my goals is right there in the mirror looking back at me, and guess what? He is just as mad at me as I am.
This type of thinking does not only apply to cryptocurrency traders. I challenge you to think about how you can apply the 5 Ps to other situations in your life.
So, let’s get to the good stuff... In my opinion if you miss the first “P” you might as well have missed them all. Proper preparation has its own subcategory of getting educated about the subject before you really find out what the best approach for preparation is. To find your approach you must look within and figure out what your internal and external limitations are. You can stopped by many forces, some hardships will be caused by an outside force. Other times you find that it is your own self who stops you from achieving your goals. Once you find the best way to prepare, you need to start putting in the ground work.
If you have been preparing yourself for an extended amount of time, but your but your results did not reflect your efforts you have not utilized the 5 Ps. Adjusting your preparation tactics can make a huge difference.
So let’s take the release of ShibaSwap for instance, since that is common ground for a lot of my readers. I noticed a huge wave of sudden panic throughout the Discord Server in the initial hours after the website went live. People were scrambling for information and making last minute highly emotional decisions. In high stress situations like this where the APR % was dropping by the thousands per hour, time was not in your favour. Rushed choices are usually not the best. This panic within some peoples hearts even led to them sending their coins to the ShibaSwap contract address thinking thats how you stake leading to a un-wanted burn of their to take place. That is money right down the drain because of panic clicking and the lack of Proper Preparation. Someone who understands the 5 Ps would never be in that position. That is just one out of so many reasons this mantra is beneficial to have in your arsenal. Always try to stay one step ahead.
If you are just learning about impermanent loss days after you have already entered a liquidity pool, just now realizing how bad it could effect you, you have not been preparing yourself properly.
In some cases it may take a little preliminary research to map out different ways you can get prepared. Multiple routes sometimes lead to the same destination. Have you ever heard someone say “lets take the scenic route” Maybe the route takes more time but it is the joy you get from the journey that is the driving force behind making the decision to go down that route. Sometimes the joy of the journey itself is greater than the joy you feel from actually reaching your destination. Before ShibaSwap came out a lot of early holders were waiting for the price of SHIB to moon thinking the release would be the catalyst they have been praying on. Some not realizing that the liquidity pool and staking options were a far more lucrative choice. With rewards come risks and without Proper Preparation you cannot really come up with a good PAO.
There is not always one clear path to success. Many times it actually takes some creativity, intuition and some good ole’ trial and error to surpass the person ahead of you in life. Make sure you are not hustling backwards.
I have ran into obstacles in my life and every time I try and think back to my 5 Ps and figure out a plan to get through it. Don’t just call it quits and give up when you run into a roadblock. Adapt and overcome. Figure out how you can move past it and share that wisdom you gain with your peers. You will be surprised how many people may come to you telling tales about similar things they have went through. As a community we are all in this together essentially. I consider myself a citizen of the word and feel as though it is my responsibility to show compassion for my brothers and sisters. Sharing knowledge I’ve gained along the way is my way of giving back to this amazing universe. Hopefully the positive energy I am channeling is felt when reading this. Showing support to someone in need may be more rewarding than you can ever imagine.
A lot can be out of your hands, but it’s the things in your control that should be the reason you succeed. I know you cannot always control what happens but you can always control how you react. Just because you did not reach your goal the first time around doesn’t mean you are not getting closer each time. On the flip side of things, just because you did reach your goal doesn’t mean you should mean you should get complacent. There is always someone gunning for your spot in life. It takes consistency to be a GOAT. Always remember the 5 Ps and enjoy the ride!
Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance
by: CryptoBokiWop