Ryoshi’s Vision Is Being Spread

3 min readAug 13, 2021


As many of you know I am now one of the official Admins of the Ryoshi’s Vision community. This role was given to me by pure necessity and coincidence, nothing else. There was a need for someone to step up and I just happened to step up. I am not getting paid for the work I do for the community. I have been Ryoshi this whole time this status doesn’t really change anything. When someone has enough time on their hands and is trustworthy enough I may step down from this role and things will go on just as smooth as they are now because I truly believe I am no better than anybody else. We are ALL Ryoshi.

The Journey Begins For Ryoshi’s Vision….

It is almost as if it was written in the stars…. A contract that beats the bots and benefits, xSHIB holders. Just like Ryoshi would want it. Holder count continues to grow as the vision is spread among the cryptocurrency community. We got the Discord Server made and Multiple TG Groups. Liquidity was originally locked on ShibaSwap.com and more recently a whale joined the ranks and locked liquidity on UniSwap as well. You can now get RYOSHI on both swaps and we plan to expand and make RYOSHI available in more places.

Ryoshi’s Vision

Ryoshi’s Vision spread to all corners of the world in a matter of days.

Appointed Administrators and Moderators have volunteered time to keeping these communities safe. Our Official Twitter is tweeting updates about $RYOSHI daily. So much positivity and love coming from the community truly is a great feeling. Now that we got here I know people are wondering what's next and I just want to paint the picture for you.

“There is no power for change greater than a community discovering what it cares about.”

Wifey has given us the ways and the means to thrive moving forward. The RYOSHIARMY and SHIBARMY are allies both fighting to achieve true decentralization. Ryoshi’s Vision communities are all-inclusive, anyone may join us, regardless of age, race, sexual identity, creed, religion, or lack of religion. How we grow is up to us as a truly decentralized community. There will be those who step up and take us to the next level because they are Ryoshi. Some who have too much greed in their heart might be turned away from the project but those who choose to give their time and energy to enhance this project will not only benefit financially but emotionally and spiritually as well.

White Papers Are On The Way!

Many have been wondering about the White Papers and I assure you they are being worked on right now! We want to make sure we deliver you this information in a timely fashion but we also want to deliver our best work. I personally don’t think White Papers should be rushed. It will guide many people and give them something that's not our best isn't in line with our brand. We want to make sure we are performing at the highest level possible.

“The future is completely open and we are writing it moment for moment”

I AM Ryoshi and I will continue to spread Ryoshi’s Vision! — CBW

We Spread Luv Not Fud
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Written by CryptoBokiWop

I am an Artist, A Writer and a Crypto Junkie

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