New LP Pairs Added To The ShibaSwap Liquidity Event

3 min readJul 12, 2021


Did you miss out on the crazy high APR when ShibaSwap first went live? Don’t worry you got a chance to get in and earn big again! News just came hot off the press. Sitting in voice chat arguing with some kid about impermenent loss and how it is important to us as liquidity providers. Pure ignorance filled the space as trolls joined in. Trophias interrupted us and directed our attention to the new announcement.

The Shib Team will continue to work diligently to support our users and maintain a healthy balance for this platform during these exciting, early phases. — Eric M ( Dev)

The announcement reads: After reviewing the initial analytics for ShibaSwap, the Dev Team and the other signers agreed to move forward with adding 3 new pairs to the WOOF list:
⁃ ETH-USDT (300 AP)
⁃ SHIB-BONE (600 AP)

What does mean for those who are already in some SSLPs? Great question! To start let’s get one thing out the way. Take not on those AP numbers above. Please note, the AP is not the same thing as APR. APR can only be calculated once the pairs are added onto woof list. These pairs will go live JULY 12TH at 6AM EST — 3AM PST — 10 AM UTC. We have been told in advance so I am writing this just to spread awareness. I would like to personally thank all the Devs for giving us a nice proper heads up about the new pairs. This gives everybody an opportunity to make a plan and execute it.

Providing more liquidity in USDT will help things run smooth and also help certain holders earn more rewards. I am expecting the TVL to go up as well. There are so many options how you could play this to your benefit. Seeing the AP point difference between the LEASH-BONE pool and SHIB-BONE pool may cause you to think that there will be people ditching their SHIB to buy some LEASH because LEASH will gain them the most rewards. This could also lead to many people selling their half of their woofed BONE to provide liquidity for the new pairs.

Example: Someone may have 100 WOOFABLE BONES. WOOFING would get 33 of those BONES.. 67 of the 100 will become UNWOOFABLE for 6 months . At that point they may sell 50% of their BONE for ETH and trade the ETH for LEASH to provide liquidity for the LEASH-BONE pair with hopes of sky-high APR percentages.

There are so many different scenarios it makes my head spin. I love it! Regardless of how the masses move I believe adding these new pairs will put some momentum behind thus brining in external users and providing more USDT liquidity. Such a thriving eco-system, and the best part is, this whole thing being built up right before our eyes. Some are saying these 3 new pairs may catapult us passed the 2B TVL mark. Only time will tell how this will really effect the numbers.

I will write an article about the impact these additions cause once we collect more data tomorrow. I hope this has helped you come up with a solid plan and everything goes smooth for you. Maybe you’ve have heard me say this before but the 5 Ps are so important. Proper Preparation Prevents Poor Performance. I live by those 5 Ps. Remember if you miss the first P you might as well have missed them all! Happy trading and remember non of this is financial advice, just a fellow ShibArmy member here.




Written by CryptoBokiWop

I am an Artist, A Writer and a Crypto Junkie

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